Vinnie's World RSS Feeds
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What is RSS?
RSS, or "Really Simple Syndication," allows viewers to keep track
of numerous sources of information available on the web. As the web has grown,
so has the need for syndicating content. RSS is a format for syndicating news
and content. Thousands of news sources make their content available for free
to users of RSS newsreaders, also known as aggregators.
RSS feeds are streams of data that offer content via a list of articles on any number of relevant topics and which are automatically updated whenever new information appears online from the original source. Through the use of these news readers, which process RSS feeds, you can view headlines and article excerpts from multiple sources, all in one place. A few of the more popular news readers include Bloglines, FeedDemon, Google Reader, and Yahoo. Live Bookmarks are a feature of the Firefox and Safari browsers and function much the same as RSS readers.
This feed icon indicates that RSS is available and you may subscribe to your choice of news feeds. Whenever your favorite sites update their content, the feeds you've subscribed to are automatically updated and viewable directly on your news readers without needing to revisit each and every site in search of new content.
To subscribe to our news feeds you can simply make a selection as indicated above, then click the icon of your preferred web-based feed reader from the available list of choices, and follow the instructions for adding our headlines. Every time we update or add new content on the available topics, you will receive it directly to your desktop. Additionally, you'll find RSS subscription options on each of the related sections of our site. Just look for the orange feed icon and click any of the accompanying links to subscribe.
Our Services
International Property Sales: Brazil • Bulgaria • Nicaragua
For investors, we align ourselves with worthwhile projects designed to deliver superior value and growth potential. Visit our Properties section to learn more, find an offering that interests you, then contact us for more details and special discounts. We'll consult with you and make sure you have everything you need to make an informed and potentially rewarding investment. For developers, we can help you promote and sell your project.
Global Business: China • Nicaragua
We can bring international buyers and sellers together. we know where these opportunities exist and how to navigate through sometimes difficult terrain to make the best deal and ensure a seamless market transition. From the initial planning process, we can help establish or expand your business in your chosen industry. Additionally, we can create a strategic plan for international trade, and serve as sourcing consultant. Global Business
At Vinnie's World we are always interested in developing new relationships with quality businesses by way of reciprocal linking, banner exchanges and any qualified means to increase the value for our visitors. If you consider the information we provide useful, please consider linking to us from your site. Alternatively, you may contact us to discuss how we might cooperate on future business initiatives.
For questions about our services or to schedule an appointment with one of our representatives, please email us at: You may also use our convenient Contact Us form.